
Thunder is the savior to Cross Country's rebellion. While Cross Country is causing the young and disenfranchised to rebel against their own town, Thunder is slowly spreading seeds of doubt among the rest of the town about how well the U.S. government is helping out. He speaks with local farmers and business owners, who in turn speak with their friends. He speaks with the concerned citizens who in turn make their new feelings known to their friends in the churches and other volunteer organizations. Thunder has a way of blending in with any crowd and he is able to quickly gain their trust so they confide in him. He has become a master of planting these seeds of doubt until they reach the local government.

By the time the mayor hears how his people are feeling about the impending doom, the mayor knows he has to do what the majority of the voters want. And after Thunder has finished whispering in their ear, it is G.I. Joe they want. So the local government hands over the town to G.I. Joe and all of a sudden the disillusioned youth and local uproar has died down. Thunder and Cross Country leave the town with G.I. Joe in control and they head to the next town to start all over.

Working this way has enabled G.I. Joe to set up major bases of operation in South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. And once G.I. Joe has taken over one or two big counties, taking over the whole state is not far behind. And they have Thunder and Cross Country to thank for setting it all in motion.

With this figure I wanted a look that looked like the normal everyday guy you see in any rural small town. Maybe a factory worker or farmer, either way someone that looks trustworthy. I tried to stick to his trademark colors so there would be some small link to his official figure. And that meant I got to try my hand at painting faded black jeans. I originally wanted to give him a green and brown flannel shirt but gave up on that idea for now.

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