
Filename: Mellot, John
Primary MOS: Tank Operator
Secondary MOS: Infantry
Birthplace: Milaca MN

Treadshot joined the military for the reason that so many young men do, to get the hell out of the Podunk town they were born in. He left behind a rep as a star athlete, the prom queen, and a cushy job at the grain elevator. He hasn't regretted a minute since. Loving the military as he did, excellence was easy for Treadshot and the Joe team nearly inevitable.

At his core, Treadshot is a very simple guy. He fights fair, always brushes his teeth, and judges a man by the car he drives. It's this sort of basic approach to life that has made Treadshot the anchor of the Marauders. Always there with a stupid joke, a kind word and the promise of a beer come Friday. Helluva good guy at the wheel of the Equalizer too.

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