Union Beav
Union Beav
Union Beav
Union Beav
Union Beav
Union Beav
Union Beav
Union Beav
Union Beav

Well, since this was a North vs. South project, and I had no idea what to make out of the parts I randomly selected, I thought it would just be best to make a 'North' or Union beav custom. Being the procrastinator that I am, I actually took this project from beginning to end in three nights. WIPs 1 & 2 were on a Monday, 3 & 4 were on a Tuesday, and the FINs were Wednesday night, with 1/2 hour to go until deadline.

I would have liked to have followed my source image a little closer, and given one more night, I would have turned the cigar into a pipe, and added the 'muddy' legs with some brown pastels. I might still do that... as well as seal the custom.

Pretty sure the head was a gift from Nova. or Lance Sputnik. Or both. Raptor might have had a hand in it. I'm not certain, as I was still recovering from the honeywhiskey or whatever they were calling that fine sippin' bourbon... :shifty: Which was a gift for Raps that I partook in. I, of course, blame Scramble and Tina for bringing -R, even if it was the other way around, and I blame Czar, Hypno, & VL for bringing me. If it wasn't for Chandra (and her folks,) we would have been sleeping in the street, and because of beav (and the honeywhiskey,) that probably would have been just fine. There. I think I said everybody.

Thanks for a great time, North!
(and with 10 min. to spare...)

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