Codename: Vollum
Real Name: None given
Aliases: None
Identity: Known only to Chinese government
Occupation: Super soldier
Citizenship: Chinese
Place of Birth: Dr. Agon's laboratory
Known Relatives: Dr. Agon (creator), Dankaa (genetic clone)
Group Affiliation: None
Education: Programmed by Dr. Agon
History: The first successful subject for the Chinese super soldier project was Anthrax, formerly known as Gary Twain. Dr. Agon performed a series of surgeries, tests, and enhancements to Anthrax, but was never able to remove the humanity of his subject. Dr. Agon knew that the only way to create a truly successful super soldier needed to be a blank slate, a clone, and he needed DNA like that of no other human on the planet. Thus began Agon's next project, Vollum.
Dr. Agon had experimented with cloning very early in his career as an undergraduate student, and had cloned different types of rodents, having varying success. With his advancement in genetics due to his progress on Anthrax, Agon felt that this was his chance to gain fulfill his so-called destiny. After working with the Russian government, he began his experiments on the agent Dankaa, and eventually was able to extract the DNA that he needed. Using the DNA he had gathered and his advanced cloning techniques, project Vollum was underway. It would take several years for the clone to mature, even after increasing the aging process. What normally would have taken 28 years to develop, Dr. Agon's clone only took 2 1/2. During this time, Vollum underwent intense neurological programming and training, much like what was used on Dankaa during his time with Agon. These programs would basis for all of Vollum's knowledge, including his personality as well as his tactical skills.
Once Vollum's clone was mature, Dr. Agon was ready to test his soldier. Unlike Anthrax, Vollum lacked many of the cybernetics, but he did have two major advantages: superior DNA (which gave him enhanced size, strength, and endurance) and the lack of a conscious. He was not clouded by his past; on the contrary, his past was completely programmed by Dr. Agon. His soul purpose: to complete the mission at any cost. Agon knew that the Chinese government would be ecstatic to at his discovery. He was wrong. Because it took several years to show any signs of success, China had given up on the hopes of this project, one that has failed, in their eyes, twice. Dr. Agon was abandoned... or was he? He had the greatest soldier ever created, and the world would feel his wrath.
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 280lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair : White
Abilities: Genetically enhanced size, strength, and endurance
Equipment: Battle helmet with built in night/infrared vision, range finder, and microphone, F-2GA rocket launcher, pineapple grenades, concussion grenades, .44 Magnum, 12-gauge shotgun, combat knife, dual-claw forearm shield.