Codename: War
Real Name: Voa (although that is unknown to him or anyone on Earth), been going by the name Joe
Aliases: Fall Out
Identity: Godling of combat from another planet in another dimension and former Horseman War.
Occupation: Roving Hero (former death dealer)
Citizenship: None as of yet, but many countries are active in attempting to recruit him
Place of Birth: Planet Jugo in another Dimension
Known Relatives: The empowerment ceramony which inducts each member into the horsemen causes memory loss as it may hamper that Horseman in his or her mission of destruction
Group Affilitation: Member of the Pantheon of Sirocco, many Hero groups are activley trying to recruit War to their ranks, which is a smart move
Education: Skilled in hand to hand combat, melee weapon combat, since arrival on Earth has been learning modern fire arms
First Appearance: Appeared on Earth right sometime during the hurrican Katrina which was caused by the dimensional disturbance (teleport) which got rid of War who was fighting the other 3 Horsemen.
History: Born on the planet Jugo in another dimension, Voa is a Godling of combat who trained his whole life loving combat in all forms. Preferring not to kill, Voa just loved the thrill of the combat and challenge of the fight. Then the time came when there was a need for a new member of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the previous War had been killed, and there was a need for a new one. Voa was a very logical choice. Voa was not going to accept but the other 3 horsemen started the empowerment ceremony on him, which can erase the memory of the recipiant, and with that, Voa ceased to be for the time being and War was born. War loved being a Horseman for so many years, with the other Horsemen, Death, Pestilence, and Famine, they killed trillions of sentients and multiples of trillions more lives not to mention potential life giving environmental planets too. But somewhere, something inside of War's mind, and soul, he started to see what he and the others were doing. It started weighing on War's soul, he could not let innocents suffer and die, while not remembering he was Voa he was remembering his ideals. So War turned on the other horsemen.
Unfortunately if one horseman gives up their duties as horseman, then they lose the extra empowerment that that horseman was bestowed upon being chosen. War did not care, this carnage and destruction could not be allowed to go on. With his natural powers and skill War was able to hold his own for a brief while before being beaten and almost killed before a shaman on the planet, which was initially targeted for annhillation, conjured a dimensional teleport spell and whisked away all 4 combatants to 4 different parts of the multiverse.
War ended up on Earth, where he is recovering and is coming to enjoy this planet and striving to protect it. Where the other 3 horsemen ended up is unknown but they can sense each other and will find themselves and then will look for War to finish the job so they can recruit a non-traitorus replacement.
This is the first time that a horseman has given up rank. There has been two other times that horsemen have been recruited, but those were all due to horsemens deaths. Even the powerful beings chosen for horsemen and then bestowed with the tremendous power upgrade, they can be killed, although very rare.
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 827 lbs
Eyes: green
Hair: blood red/ bronze
Abilities: Godling, super strength, super durablility, heightened agility/reaction time, Supreme ighting skills in hand to hand, melee & some modern weapons unknown godling powers may exist
Equipment: Battle Axe, Scimitar,