Whitney Frost / Madame Masque
Whitney Frost / Madame Masque
Whitney Frost / Madame Masque
Whitney Frost / Madame Masque
Whitney Frost / Madame Masque

I've been wanting to make a Whitney Frost / Madame Masque since Marvel Universe & Iron Man movie figures were released, but could never get around to it. I had even gotten to the point of sculpting a mask on ROC Scarlett, after seeing Chief's version. It wasn't until this blind pull that I was able to make it happen. I threw a donor Destro in the blind pull bag and wound up pulling that same Destro head back out -- but, I pulled a Baroness body back out .. Using the hair from one of Hypno's fodder figs, I pretty much had this custom planned before we even left Indy.

Tamiya Yellow over chrome = Gold!

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