In the distant future, born on planet Earth, a beautiful girl named Zarana had only heard the amazing stories of her brother before he left home to adventure in space. When she turned 18, she decided to jetizen Earth and begin her search for her brother Zartan. Having only her dead parents vague descriptions of where her brother could be, Zarana encontuered many different colorful characters throughout her search. Revolted be these new alien creatures rarely discussed on Earth, Zarana continued. Discovereing dead end after dead end, Zarana seemed to be losing hope. Zarana had no idea of the devastasting effects the Sun's solar rays would have on her human skin. When the solar rays began to mutate her skin tone into an alien like green, allowing her to melt and disappear into the alien backgrounds and surroundings, Zarana was no longer the beautiful, hopeful girl she once was. She was now just a bitter, foreign alien; revolting to humans. Vowing to never give up her search for her brother Zartan, Zarana neded to repay him for not only abandoning her as a child, but also inadvertantly turning her into a space chameleon.
I told myself I was doing the next Group Project no matter what. And while this wouldn't have been my first choice, I had a lot of fun thinking of possibilites to characterization. When I first began assembling pieces, I knew I wanted Zarana to have thigh boots. I went from there. While limited in parts choices, I wanted something which looked like campy Flash Gordon. I took a lot of inspiration from Titan AE, obviously with Akima's head, but also with the one long sleeve/one short sleeve look. And I loved the Spytroops Zarana filecard and decided she needed a ponytail. The parts looked good together and needed a color scheme. I was going to keep the traditional pink and blue for her, but nothing looked good. I started looking at the MC Convention exclusive Zarana and chose the royal purple and grey colors. But she didn't look enough liek a space pirate... so why not make her skin color an alien green? Topped off with an almost Princess Leia like pistol and I feel I achieved a "Space Pirate" vibe and feel... but I wish I would have been more ambitious with this and gone a step more. While happy with the outcome, I think more could have been done.