The Intruders first came to earth in 1976. Their ship was badly damaged from battle and was caught in a meteor. After crashing in the Rockymountain region of the U.S. the Intruders thougth they could easly take over the "primitive" planet. But the ran into the Adventure Team. The Intruder Commander repeatedly tried to defeat the Adventure Team but kept being bested time and again. After a year and a half the Intruders made enough repairs to their craft that they left earth. The Intruder Commander had several samples of the Adventure Team Land Adventurer's blood that he began to make a clone to help him fight and defeat the Adventure Team. Now 35 years later, the Intruder Commander is ready to return and crush the Adventure Team and the Land Adventurer!
I was going to go with something close to the original Intruder, caveman looking with armoured chest piece. But decided to play around and go a little diffrent. I added sculpty armbands and a belt. Then added pants and boots to him. I really like the way he came out. The blaster he has is a cut down SpyTroops/VvsV era rifle. I was surprised how good it came out. Kinda has a steampunk look to it.