16th Century Japan
The warring clans of the Kenshu and Akito fought for many years to control the unclaimed land south of Toyko. Though the Kenshu sought to use the land as means for farming and livestock in order to provide food for the growing masses, the Akito saw the area as sacred ground that should not be touch. One fateful winter day, the two armies fought their final battle in which the Kenshu won.
Though the Kenshu had won, some mourned the losses of their enemy as well as the civilians in the area. One such soldier, Onishi, general of the Kenshu forces felt that many lives were lost in vain. While others in his army chanted in victory, Onishi walked the battleground observing the destruction.
"What honor have we brought here to those who were not involved," he comments to himself noticing the bodies of various inhabitants from the village lying amongst the soldiers who had fought that day.
As if hearing his very thoughts, he hears a distant cry from a ravaged dwelling. Entering the house, he sees the what's left of the previous owners. The man and his wife lie still and cold. Again he hears a cry, more of fear than pain. He scans the room and notices a hidden door in the floor. As he carefully opens the door, he sees a young child no more than two years of age. Onishi takes the young boy and vows to protect him and raise him as his son.
Months later Onishi takes the honor of Shogun of the Kenshu clan. As a measure of peace, he marries Shusing, the daughter of the fallen leader of the Akito clan. Though their marriage was arranged, each begins to feel great affection towards each other. Onishi evolves into a caring Shogun through his wife and adopted son. She realizes his ideals are just and intentions are honorable. Though she still holds a glimmer of resentment for him taking on another man's child.
As time passes, peace continues. The previous area that caused so much warring and hatred has become a place of growth and commerce. The people adore Onishi and respect his laws. Budo, his adopted son has now grown to an educated man and the captain of Onishi's guard.
See Jinx's bio for more of the story.
I had the great honor of tag-teaming this GP with fellow customizer, Classified. We both wanted to use the same time-frame involving some of the same characters. I had been working on rough drafts for a period fan-fiction story called "By the Blade." So we were able to throw our ideas together and create figures based on characters from the storyline. I do have to give a great deal of props to Classified. He has been wonderful to work with and has a lot of interesting ideas.
In order to get the full story, you have to ready all five characters' bios as they all tie-in. I hope you enjoy the figures and the story as much as we have enjoyed making them.