During the height of the Industrial Revolution there were groups of doctors and scientists who took their research and experimentations too far, in the name of science. Some made groundbreaking discoveries. Others created abomination. Doctor M. Bendder was the latter. Decades ahead of his time, he made astonishing advances in the research of human biology. The nature of his research and experiments produced an undesirable side effect - rodents. To deal with the mounting trouble with bats and mice, as well as curious locals, the Doctor created the Scare-Bat.
The Scare-Bat was wired into the Doctor's Lab, emitting a violent electric shock to those who got too close, and alerting the lab. The Scar-Bat also fed into local folklore. The locals spoke of witchcraft and voodoo, and of seeing the Scare-Bats climb up off of their stakes and prowling the grounds at night.The Scare-Bat also was rigged with a rudimentery flame emitting device, that could be triggered remotely from inside the lab, igniting all Scare-Bats at once and forming a perimeter around the lab. A perimeter that if viewed from above would resemble a 5 point star... Theis defense system had one drawback, in that if struck from behind, the Scare-Bat had a tendency to burst into flame.
The village constable has been heard to say "Yea, I seen them critters out and about. Give me the willies! When you need to head over to that end of town, you get an awful, spooky feelin', like somebody's watchin yer. T'ain't right and it ain't nat'ral! Wish that there Doc would just git up and go, an' take his creepies wit 'im!"