Codename: Mackerel
Real name: Jason Macrath
Primary Military Specialty: Navy S.E.A.L.
Secondary Military Specialty: Rescue Diver
Mackerel has wanted to be a S.E.A.L. ever since he saw a news documentary about them on T.V. He entered the U.S. Navy the day after he graduated from high-school and after basic training, immediately volunteered for S.E.A.L. training. Upon graduation he was immediately assigned to a S.E.A.L. team and shipped off to the Persian Gulf just prior to Desert Storm. Although he is one of the newer S.E.A.L.S. in the Joe team’s ranks, Mackerel has over 10 years of operational experience. Qualified Expert: All NATO small arms and explosive devises.
From General Hawk’s Files "Every Navy S.E.A.L. I have ever met, has the personality of a dead, cold fish. This guy is no different. He is very quiet, solemn, and stand-offish. Mackerel really doesn't get along with anybody, except his fellow dead-fish...I mean S.E.A.L.s. But one thing I will say in his defense is that he is very professional and highly motivated."