File Name: Koelliker, Matthias
Birthplace: Basel, Switzerland
Matthias, a natural athlete, has the uncanny ability to master nearly any sport that he tries. However, his heart has always belonged to the snow. A prolific skier and jumper, he took the world by storm winning the gold in two separate Olympics as well as a near undefeated streak in national and world competitions. Matthias would answer the call of Gi Joe but not as a soldier, he would be in charge of training new recruits on how to master the snow. It was a new challenge, something new to test his skills.
I used some Apoxie sculpt to give him his coat as well as his leg fur. I cut the holster and pouch from the legs and smoothed it all out with more apoxie. I dremeled the thigh pads and a bit and sculpted his groovy snow goggles on.
I was out of white paint (well, I couldnt get it open hah) so that jacket is a bit darker than I would have liked, and the belt is red instead. I also made the goggles bigger because I thought they looked more hilarious that way.