Even though this is a "Battle Throne," I envision that Cobra Commander would only use this is parades or social events with other worldly dictators. Ol' Rageface sure is a fan of drama and theatrics!
This build started as a motorized mech. I searched around for a while for the right base figure but had little success. Luckily I stumbled upon an Iron Monger figure from Burger King, which seemed to be the perfect base.
I immediately disassembled the upper half and used my Dremel to remove the "excess" material around the "crotch" area. It looked too much like a diaper than I wanted. I used Magic-sculpt to fill in any exposed areas.
After realizing that the build for a mech would be too large, I changed directions and created a "throne" for Cobra Commander to take into battle.
The Battle Barge cockpit merged with the VvV BAT backpack worked quite well for the seat, but unfortunately I may have messed up the motor a little. More on that in a moment. I think the red Cobra symbol on the back is striking.
The technical details came from a SAW-Viper backpack (on the back) and two halves of an old missile launcher (for the sides).
As for paint, I originally envisioned white or gray like a SNAKE armor, but while brushing on black to look for places to sand, I chose to go more towards FANG colors instead. You cannot go wrong with black and red for Cobra.
Lastly, back to the action feature. As you can see in the youtube link, the legs still work. What you cannot see is that the throne is held up by fishing line. Either I overworked the motor while testing the feature or I got too much "grit" into the motor while grinding or sanding. Still, it is possible that the build is just too heavy for the motor to work properly while the feet are on the ground.
In any case, if you ever had any of the vintage motorized packs, then you know that they only worked with limited success anyway. Maybe that makes this Battle Throne authentic.