The Armored Scout Skiff, piloted by Bazooka John, AKA ZombieGuide, provides advanced recon for NOVA Corps, an outer-rim salvage operation.
His mission is to find trashed or wrecked vehicles and/or outposts and report back to NOVA control. Then, while the rest of the team goes about their salvaging job, B.J. in the A.S.S. provides surveillance and covering fire when needed. The local 'shufflers' usually aren't armed, nor do they put up much of a resistance to the superior firepower of the A.S.S., earning the nickname 'Zombies.'
This vehicle is so over-gunned, when B.J. lets loose with everything, he winds up doing a somersault.
Watch out below!
I had this thing pieced out long ago, without any real purpose for it -- Thanks, Ridiculously Awesome Vehicle Group Project for giving me a reason to finish it!