One of the most feared men in the galaxy, Demolisher worked alone for many years as a bounty hunter before joining the Spacenoks. And while technically a Spacenok, Demolisher ultimately is loyal to no one but himself. Zartan is aware of this, but sees Demolisher as an asset; he is, after all, cruel, calculating and seldom misses his target. Having a machine gun for a right arm doesn't hurt either. The Spacenoks gain a formidable ally, and Demolisher gets access to more firepower and technology than he could on his own.
Demolisher is extremely dangerous, enjoying the thrill of hunting down his next target, and causing as much destruction as he can along the way. His cybernetic right arm allows for attachment of numerous high-tech (and destructive) weapons to aid him on his mission. Other cybernetic abilities give him enhanced strength, a high pain threshold and above average targeting abilities (despite having only one eye). Additionally, Demolisher is known to raid planetary colonies using the "Destroyer"- a small in-atmosphere vehicle that packs enough firepower to level a small settlement. .But what makes Demolisher most dangerous is that he enjoys what he does... sure, he'll do it for profit, but he'd probably do it for free too.
"He's half machine awright...but I ain't sure the other half is human."
I figured it would make sense for a guy named Demolisher to have a machine gun for an arm... kind of like the Transformers Armada character of the same name. But this idea really didn't gel until a friend of mine suggested to customize a Dreadnok Air Skiff and use it to store the large and cumbersome arm attachments. My inspiration for this character was the villain Overdog from the 1983 sci-fi movie "Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone"... it's a great movie that you should all check out.