Big Boa

Talking to his father as his plane was about to crash into the second tower, the man code named Big Boa made a promise. That promise was to quit cobra and make right by his dad. Heartbroken, Big Boa walked away from the commander without a notice. He is awol and will be killed on sight. Of course, he doesn't plan on being seen without his new teammates. It did however, take many months and removing half of his helmet to gain the trust of the joe team. The joes are in for a lot of long days considering the training they have to go through. Big Boa in the morning, Beachhead in the afternoon, and Sgt. Slaughter in the evening. I pity the new recruits almost as much as a terrorist.

I think that the pants look pretty close to the original. The skin tones for Ripper and the C.L.A.W.S commander are close, that is why i picked Ripper.

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