File Name: Classified
Birthplace: Unknown (Assumed to be somewhere in southern Florida)
Primary Military Specialty: Swamp Vehicle Operator
Secondary Military Specialty: Swamp Fighter
Prior to his association with Cobra, Copperhead made his living racing speedboats. He incurred huge gambling debts and made powerful enemies among the organized crime syndicates that controlled the betting agencies. Copperhead sold his services to Cobra both as a means of paying off his debts, and for the protection that such an association offered. Copperhead remained in Cobra's employ, enjoying the dangerous lifestyle that came with the job, but having no particular ideological attachment to the organization. At some point, Copperhead became bored with the more dogmatic aspects of Cobra service and briefly returned to the racing scene. During this time, Cobra requested Copperhead's services, and when he refused, they attempted to threaten him into working for them again. Copperhead responded by sneaking into a Cobra stronghold, destroying several vehicles, and escaping in a stolen Water Moccasin. He attempted to hide out among the underground racing scene, but soon found himself the target of many of the same enemies who had forced him into Cobra service in the first place. Realizing that the information he had about Cobra's organization and activities might be of value to the G.I. Joe team, he attempted to bargain with the U.S. Government to gain a pardon. The Joe team saw that Copperhead's experience in swamp combat, as well as his inside knowledge of Cobra, would be an asset, and they offered him a deal: conditional service on the Joe team in return for protection from his past.
From General Hawk's Files: "When you're dealing with as many specialists and elite personnel as we do, you're bound to find that a few of them aren't exactly gifted at social interaction. Guys like Wet-Suit are excusable because they're so good at what they do. Copperhead is a different story. Sure, he's one of the best swamp pilots in the world, and
he's one tough customer in a fight, but he's also one of the biggest jerks on the planet. The only time he's even remotely civilzed is when he wants something from you; the rest of the time, he's cocky, loud, and mean. The other guys just try to keep their distance, but every couple of days he finds a way to start some kind of trouble. If he wasn't so valuable in the field, our boys would have sent him to the hospital a long time ago."