
Primary Specialty - Infantry
Secondary Specialty - Counter Drug Operations

Fastball was kicked out of the Cinci REDS for drug use, in a huge public scandal that ruined both his career and his life. He turned to Cobra to become a Frag Viper, as it was really the only way to make a living wage when no organized baseball league would have anything to do with him. After being promoted through the Viper ranks to a Frag Viper first class, he was put on a team headed by Headman, Cobra's resident drug dealer. For the first time, Fastball was able to see who he was really working for, and vowed to quit Cobra and fight against the drug dealing Headhunters. He was able to contact Bulletproof through DEF headquarters, and he's been working to eliminate the drug menace ever since

-Big thanks to Raptor for the bio!

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