
FILE NAME : Conrad F. Burns
Birthplace: classified

His story is a terrible one. Flashpoint was once one of the lowest of the low , the backbone of the COBRA army the COBRA VIPERS. In an unsuccessful COBRA raid on the GIJOE BASE Flashpoint was hit by a gredade and lost both arms. After the battle as the cowardly COBRA forces retreated they left him for dead. A patrol of Joes found him in the wreckage of a HISS TANK. They brought him back to the base where lifeline designed cybernetic replacement arms for him. He vowed revenge on the COBRAs for leaving him to die and joined GIJOE.

From the files of General Hawk:

"Flashpoint may have once been a COBRA but he is as loyal to the United States as any of our Joes if not more ........"

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