Steam-Roller seemed like the logical choice to be a traitor to the case - his original file card hinted at several reasons for friction between him and the other Joes. When I began working on this figure, I decided that he was a perfect match for the Cobra Earthquake - seeing as he was a steam shovel operator before joining the Joes. Thus, I decided to make his uniform design consistant with figures from 1991: great sculpt with at least one neon color.
I removed the cap from Steam-Roller's head and sculpted the top of the head and hair with Magic Scuplt. A Dremal Tool helped to hollow out the Lampreys' head to make the helmet. Magic Sculpt was also used to add raised circles to the sholders of each of the Blowtorch arms. The original gun was removed from the right leg and I sculpted a revolver in its place, to match the one that was on the belt of the original Steam-Roller figure. The filecard was created in Photoshop.
Thanks the chadghost for introducting me to Magic Sculpt and to Brian for loaning me his digital camera.