Primary Military Specialty: Counter Intelligence
Secondary Military Specialty: Doctor
Fred XXIII was a high ranking CG in Cobra as Doctor Mindbender's right hand man. He was a distinguished Doctor and Strategist until he made the fateful decision to back Serpentor during the first Cobra Civil war. After the war Cobra Commander demoted him to permanent Toxo-Viper. After 3 years of exposure to toxic and nuclear waste he degenerated into a Toxo-Zombie where he did not care about anything until one fateful night.
The Joe team was doing a recon mission on Cobra Island when the accidentally stumbled on Fred. In his condition he could not put up any resistance and didn't care if they shot him. As Roadblock was about to put the poor Cobra out of his misery, Lifeline yelled "Stop!" and jumped in front of the .50 cal. At that moment Fred's life rushed by him, the death, the torture, all of the evils he has done. He did not deserve to live, but one man that he did not even know was willing to sacrifice himself to save him, there is hope of redemption.
With Lifeline's assistance, Fred was returned to the U.S. where he started treatment to regain his former self. His body is healing slowly with the use of high tech medicine and special herbs. Sam took an oath to help destroy Cobra and redeem himself.
From the Files of General Hawk: "One of my best soldiers, I had reservations when Lifeline brought him to me, but he has spoiled several of Cobra's plans with the insight of a CG, soon Cobra will be no more. oh, Don't ever call him Fred, he has always hated that name."