Mine arrived today. Although I am first and foremost a collector of the ARAH figures, and am VERY pleased that the Club got around to Big Lob in that format before abandoning it, I have to say I think they did an excellent job with the modern-style Big Lob. Mine does not have the eye problem that J_Man cited (sorry to hear that, J_Man), and although I haven't yet stood him next to any other modern-style figures, he looks appropriately tall and lean. The headsculpt is a nice piece of work, too.
I find it very amusing that a character that had to wait as long as Big Lob did to be rendered into plastic at all now has TWO official figure versions out there, one in the ARAH format, and one in the modern-style format. I'm glad to have both in my collection.
And any figure that can withstand being parked in my mailbox for several hours on a day when the thermometer on my patio hit 114 degrees -- in the shade -- deserves to stay in my collection. I certainly can't fault the DURABILITY here!