My favorite part is Zartan having an identity crisis.
Credits: Starring Laz Alonso as Doc Alexis Bledel as Lady Jaye Billy Crudup as Zartan Zach Galifiankais as Snow Job Tony Hale as Dr. Mindbender Vinnie Jones as Destro Joey Kern as Tomax Joey Kern as Xamot Chuck Liddell as Gung Ho Julianne Moore as Scarlett Henry Rollins as Duke Alan Tudyk as Shipwreck Olivia Wilde as The Baroness and Sgt. Slaughter as Himself Also featuring Jamin Fite as Cobra Commander Frankie Kang as Storm Shadow Geoff Mann as Buzzer Andreas Owald as Snake Eyes Daniel Strange as Torch Kevin Umbricht as Ripper Written by Daniel Strange & Kevin Umbricht Directed by Daniel Strange Produced by Kevin Umbricht, Josh Simpson, and Mike Farah Grips: Will Hines, Matthew Weir, Paul Nadjmabadi Production Assistants: Sean Boyle, Kevin F. Kearns, Kat O'Connor and Carly Rhodes Cinematography: Maarten de Boer Makeup: Kat Bardot Vinnie Jones Makeup: Alexei O’Brien Billy Crudup Makeup: Joanna Stewart Julianne Moore Makeup: Susan Lehane Costuming by: Kevin Umbricht, Shanna Knecht, Adam Doyle Animation: Pal Moore Music produced, arranged, recorded and performed by Geoff Mann Lead Vocals: Kevin Umbricht Clarinet: Matt Moon Additional recording Nicholas Sevilla and Matt Moon Mastered by Scott Craggs at Old Colony Special Thanks: UCB Theater in New York, John Frusciante, Maureen Grosser, Paul Kuhn, Tom Spriggs, Robbie Kass, Ian Cohen, Martin Torres, Brad Marks, Geoff Barnett, Daisy Wu, Kevin Kay, Paul Incerto, Nick Nacca, Nick Nacca Studios, Alan J. Kirby, All-Pro Media Burlington, Adam Doyle, Drew Antzis, Lenvil King Jr., Brad Schulz <
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