drbindy wrote:
Gaigaan-Dnok wrote:
What about a ball jointed ankle. Similar to the current neck joint.
Pretty similar range of motion as a human ankle.
It would allow for tilt and upward/downward motion, and would still retain the inward/outward swivel.
AND potentially be more stable than most rockers available today. color me intrigued.
Although - and maybe bossfight is already do this - a rocker ankle the pegs not just into the foot (where the rock comes from), but also into the leg (to allow the swivel) could theoretically work - if the joint was tight enough to support the weight. That is perhaps just a different way of describing your idea?
Pretty much.
Right now rockers are basically a ball in to the foot, attached to a hinge at the ankle. If it were a double ball, like the current neck articulation, it would be like you are describing.
It could even be a ball at the foot and a post in to the leg, that is the same as the posts already used. It would have the same basic effect, and be compatible with the already existing legs.
Not sure if it would be beneficial or not but the ball, in to the foot, could have small nubs on it, similar to those on the MU hip balls, to help 'grab' the softer foot plastic.
"Now I am somewhere I am not supposed to be,
and I can see things I never really should've seen,
and now I know why, and now I know why...
things aren't as pretty... on the inside"