Thanks MarkM, '53!
Working through more here...
Snow Job:
1) '83 FC: "Qualified Expert: all NATO long range sniper rifles...". 25A FC: "Qualified Expert: all NATO long range
marksman rifles..."
2) '83 FC: "Submitted by Rock 'n Roll:...". 25A FC: "Submitted by
GUNG-HO:...". This change could be a nod to the events of Marvel issue 11.
Crimson Guard:
1) '85 FC: "All Sieges must hold a degree in either law or accounting as well as being in top physical condition." 25A FC: "All Sieges must hold a degree in either law or accounting
and must be in top physical condition."
2) '85 FC: "Crimson Guardsmen are too precious...". 25A FC: "
Crimson Guard Troopers are too precious..."
IG Destro
1) '88 FC states specialty as "Leader of the Iron Grenadiers & Weapons Manufacturer". 25A FC states Primary Military Specialty as "Weapons Manufacturer"
2) '88 FC: "Once a major supplier and advisor to Cobra, Destro now pursues his own diabolical aims. Building up a small army of Iron Grenadiers from his...". 25A FC: "Once a major supplier and advisor to
the Cobra organization, Destro now pursues his own diabolical aims. Building up a small army of
Iron Grenadier troopers from his..."
3) '88FC: "One of Destro's ancestors...". 25A FC: "One of
his ancestors..."
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