viperlord wrote:
zedhatch wrote:
It's not fair to blame Hasbro for distribution problems that aren't their fault.
See I have no problem with that, but am I to believe Wal-Mart, K-Mart and all the marts around me as well as the comic shops all have the same distributor. That is where I have problems.
I honsetly don't know Zed.
But all TRUs should have the same distributor, all Targets, and all Wal-Marts, and all K-Marts too. So if my stores (And a lot of other people's) can get them, your's should be able to as well.
I know for a fact that TRU's midwestern warehouse is FULL of Joes. I can look at the computer and see them at all the stores around here. I unload them every week off our truck (Tommorrow at 4am!).
The distribution problem is not on Hasbro's end.
Admitedly I have no TRU near me. But as I stated I know people in the toy departments of each of the several stores all around me. They are giving me tales of canceled orders (I feel these people have no reason to lie since they have gone to the trouble to call my house when the rare instance a wave is delivered).
I have four Wal-marts in driving distance from my home and know people in all of them, all tell me the same tale. I have 3 K-marts, know people in two of those, sames story again. 3 Magic Marts (smaller chain of stores) and again same story. 2 comic shops, placed orders with both (through Diamond of course) and saw the invoices of cancelled orders there (admitidly this does happen with diamond quite often, but three seprerate orders is odd even for them).
At the same time (Without help from the toy department people I know) I have been able to find "Hot items" from other lines (Most notably Star Wars since I collect it actively as well). Force Unleashed figures, Consept Vader, Solo, ect, Animated Boba Fett.
So not trying to argue but understand what I am saying. I bend over literally backwards attempting to get GI Joe figures and fail in every case nearly. Each time I am told that the orders are cancelled at the source (and keep in mind most of these people I have known a minimum of five years). Then I get on the internet and see people say "It's not Hasbro, its the individual store chain."
While I already know that Wal-Mart has the same distributor for thier stores, I am fairly certain its not the same one for K-Mart. Nor does K-Mart share thiers with Magic Mart. Nor does Magic Mart get thier stuff from the same place the comic shops do. Add to this that it seems they do have a very hard time keeping thier own web store stocked, well I think you get it. If it were one chain I could see it, but its every avenue I try to take, that is why I don't buy the tag line of "It's not Hasbro's fault." most of the time.
Then of course today adds to the confusion. My friend at Wal-mart near me calls and says that there are some new Single packs going up this morning. I get there and it turns out to be Wave 2 from last year (Buzzer, Lady Jaye, Serpantor, Beachead and wave 1 repacks, I believe that was wave 2 anyway its been a while). I ask him about it and he said that he noticed it too (Since last we spoke he knew I was looking for Rock N Roll wave, which Doc Rob graciously helped me with BTW, thank you again sir). When he called the warehouse they claimed they just got them. Now I have known the guy 10 years, went to college with him, know his wife really well, basicly I am saying I know him well enough to know he won't pull "The company line" on me (in fact in the past he hasn't and been vement against some practices of Wal-Mart). Anyway Long story short he said the warehouse pointed the fingers back to Habro (NOTE: I am only repeating what I was told, not saying one way or the other, just so we are clear here). Now I will say that the warehouse could be lying, but there is more.
Had to travel to the next town over on business, once there I went to K-Mart and Wal-mart, guess what they had, Serpantor, Lady Jaye, Buzzer, and Beachead. My friend at the K-mart wasn't in today so I didn't get to ask her about it.
On the way home I swing to the comic shop (which is a bit out of my way, but not terribly) to pick up some new books. Guess what, of the 6 special orders placed when Wave 2 was solicited he got 3 of them. He is sending them back since he was informed they were cancelled and passed that along to the customers. The wal-mart there, Yeah you guessed it,
Again understand I am not trying to argue, but just saying that what I am hearing here doesn't match what I hear or see from many different people whom have gone out of thier ways in many cases for me. I wouldn't have what comic packs I have if it weren't for them (they would have been scalped as were the ones I left, thanks again to Doc Rob for helping me with that situation as well).
So really I am just confused.