Mysterious Stranger wrote:
Here's my biggest concern with this Kickstarter. Unless I missed something, from what I've read on the campaign page there isn't anyone officially affiliated with "Chicken Fried Toys" that has any actual toy production experience. Casting resin parts in your garage is a whole different ballgame than running up a fully tooled and manufactured toy line. That lack of experience alone has me worried that they may not be fully prepared for the problems and issues that will come up. Having a love and passion for the genre is great but when the one person attached to the project with any kind of toy making experience has a long history of problems following through, that worries me. A lot.
I think Boss Fight and Marauder have paved the way, though, so some of the hardships have already been solved by them. There is a procedure in place to make these things now, and the really tricky part is the balancing act between the funding levels. I think if they had offered this as the All-In from the beginning, a lot more people would have gone All-In. I am considering upgrading from the Posse right now because of the change.
The main thing that needs to happen now, is that the people making all these KS campaigns need to get together and bang out a time table, because there just can't be five of these going all at the same time, there just isn't that kind of money out there. Not to mention, if they're all using the same factory, that's going to be a problem too.
Just curious, how much money does it cost for the cards/blisters? I suppose that's half the fun, but I'm one of those who would be opening everything anyway, so I'd just as soon get more stuff and less packaging.