I would gladly give up double-jointed elbow and knee articulation on every action figure in existence. I have yet to see ANY line where I thought it looked good, whether you're talking G.I. Joe, DC Universe, Marvel Universe, or anything else. It cuts up the figure too much and more often than not looks like heck. It doesn't even work all that well. Sure it lets the arms and knees bend a lot further, but they practically look dislocated in the process.
I wouldn't mind seeing certain lines do away with mid-torso articulation in favor of waist articulation. I'd say G.I. Joe especially on this. Some likes can get away with mid-torso articulation when it can be worked effectively enough into the design of the figure, and this more often than not is in the case of armor that semi-duplicates the human form, such as Clone Troopers, or where the figure itself is duplicating human musculature, such as DC Universe. I don't think it works as well, and it certainly doesn't look as good, on figures that are designed to look like they're wearing more loose-fitting fabric.
I could live without wrist articulation on action figures, at least smaller scale ones, but I would prefer not to do away with ankle articulation, since frequently there, you're talking about how well a figure can stand up on his own.
In my opinion, there is no good excuse not to articulate elbows and knees, especially these days. The recent drop in articulation in Star Wars, especially on certain Clone Troopers that I was otherwise looking forward to, was quite discouraging to me.