evopete wrote:
Please please is there anyway to show us how you did this? this is really good...but do the Figs hold up under posing and stuff... let me know...
Sorry I haven't kept up with this thread in a while. With any luck you've figured it out on your own by now.
There is only one center peg that holds the upper body of the WWE figure to the waist. If you want to save the waist peice of the WWE figure you will have to work a knife in there to cut the peg. If you were like me and not going to save the WWE waist peice the quickest way is to take the legs off the WWE figure and just take some channel locks or pliers to crush the pants of the figure. Then you will have the top half of the WWE figure.
For the Joes you need a figure where you don't mind losing the upper body. I used a miter saw myself to cut the figure in half at the belt line, but you can use the cutting tool of your choice. The plastic is pretty thick and tough so it's sort of hard to cut with some tools.
So now you have the upper half of the WWE figure and the lower half of a GI Joe figure. Now you can go quick and easy by super glueing the upper and lower figures together or go the extra step for another point of articulation.
To get a peg in you will have to put a peg into the waist of the Joe figure. This can be pretty tough to do and I ended up having to add a tiny o-ring on the end of my peg because I made the peg to tall on mine. The tricky bit is getting a tool into the peg hole of the WWE figure to pry apart the belly since they super glue the two parts together.
A good idea to test your peg system before using a spot of glue to get the lower part fo the WWE figure back together around your new Joe peg.