viperlord wrote:
But does it really HURT anything to call it Storm Shadow? We all know it's supposed to be Black Dragon Ninja whose actually supposed to be Ninja Ku. What difference does it make if the name on the package says something else.
And kids LOVE Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow. At least all the kids I've seen play with GI Joe. So if I were Hasbro I'd throw their names on any figure I could.
I just hope we see "Undercover Snake-Eyes" in black with a Silver Cobra logo.
The difference is that Ninja Ku had dark skin and Storm Shadow does not. So, therefore, if they call it Storm Shadow, they can't have him pull a Catwoman (circa the old Adam West Batman) and switch races. If they called it Ninja Ku or Black Dragon Ninja or whatever, then they COULD have the figure have darker skin, and thus be a more accurate 25th version of the original.