Share display ideas for your collection!
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Author:  ZombieGuide [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Share display ideas for your collection!

The GIJOE line, due to its huge nature, is difficult to store and especially to display....there's just so much dang stuff, even if you don't army build. I figured I'd start a thread in which we can all add some input as to how we display or store our collections, and hopefully feed some ideas off one another.

Now, fortunately I've been blessed with a wife that didn't mind me claiming the garage, so while my situation may differ from some one elses, the ideas can probably be utilized for any scenario.

For figures, I found these CD racks at Big Lots. They were $40 each, but are PERFECT for displaying figures. Each rack holds a ton of figures, and measures about 2.5' wide, and 4' tall. Below are some older pics, but you get the idea:

I also found this display thrown out behind a Walgreens one day. I've since taken it down as it was so large and deep that I didn't feel it displayed the figures well....but it reminds us all to look for thrown out displays behind stores from time to time!


Next is aircraft. Which so many aircraft in the line, both large and small, I've resorted to hanging them all, as the Flagg can only hold so much! For small aircraft like FANGs and SKY HAWKs, I've found that a coffee cup hook used in cupboards works great with some 'invisible' fishing line for dispaying these smaller, light weight items. For larger, much heavier items such as a TOMAHAWK or a NIGHT RAVEN then you wouldn't want to ever fall 8-9 feet, I use some heavy duty drywall hooks that I found at Lowes. They run about 4$ each, but I consider it insurance. One hook you can loop two lines thru to hold the vehicle up without any worries.

Hanging the planes from the ceiling gives you whatever the square footage of the room is, exclusively for hanging aircraft -that's a ton of room! Watch out, and be sure to allow clearance for doors to open, etc:


Shelving.... this has been a constant thorn in my side, trying to find what works best. I originally picked up a ton of these plastic things from Wal-Mart for about $15 each. I didn't like the shallow depth, and the legs limited shelf space:

So, I later went with a slightly bigger pain in the ass route. I picked up shelve that I could adjust thru pegs and racks screwed into the studs in the wall. This idea, while more expensive was better as I had a heck of a lot more space on each shelf, and could use different widths to get exactly what I wanted and where I wanted. If you have the means, I'd suggest going this route, with this kinda shelving:


Its'a bigger pain in the ass, but works the best IMO.

Anyway, hope some one was able to get some ideas that they can use. Now, feel free to open the floodgates and share your solutions and ideas with the rest of us!

Author:  bucky [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for you collection!

I can post pics tonight. I have some of the same things you have. I don't hang the planes though, only because I don't like looking at the bottom of them.

On that Walgreens shelf, how deep is it? does that back come off? Do you still have it?

Author:  ZombieGuide [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for you collection!

bucky wrote:
I can post pics tonight. I have some of the same things you have. I don't hang the planes though, only because I don't like looking at the bottom of them.

On that Walgreens shelf, how deep is it? does that back come off? Do you still have it?

It was about 2.5ft deep I'd say. The whole thing was made of particle board, and very heavy. It was held together with wood dowels and impossible to move once in place. The back didn't come off, and I dumped it awhile back.

Author:  PaidLoad [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for you collection!

What about the type of wire shelving/closet organizers? I'm using some in my new apartment for vehicles since they uh, came with it.

Right now though my main type of shelving are the metal shelves that I picked up at a target store closing, well they were part of a desk set, but have pretty good surface area and height between shelves. It seems to be getting harder to find shelves that have good depth to them.

Author:  ZombieGuide [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for you collection!

PaidLoad wrote:
What about the type of wire shelving/closet organizers? I'm using some in my new apartment for vehicles since they uh, came with it.

Right now though my main type of shelving are the metal shelves that I picked up at a target store closing, well they were part of a desk set, but have pretty good surface area and height between shelves. It seems to be getting harder to find shelves that have good depth to them.

Personally, I would shy away from those wire ones as the vehicles wheels slipping thru, parts falling thru and unable to stand figures on them would bug me.

Lowes and Home Dept have shelving areas in the store, where you can assemble the parts yourself and get all the pieces you need slowly, or over time.

Author:  bucky [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for you collection!

Ok, couple things I did. (got my pics off Myspace.)
On the bottom of the wood shelf (old store display) is a "battle scene" involving Joe boats.
"Battle scenes" are kind of fun to build, and since it's a battle, you can have stuff kinda cramped and loots of figures there. It takes up less space than displaying them single file, like alot of the other vehicles I have.

The Flagg is on a table, and utilizing the space underneath for storage.

I also used the "LASER BLAST" adjustable shelves, which old tons of stuff, and you can get them at varying depths.

If you want to display carded figures, I ran mine along the top. Everybody sees them, and they are out of the way up that high. Good use of dead space.

l_60bb13b2b5fc0a5a04840d45cf58d2b5.jpg [ 50.6 KiB | Viewed 1985 times ]
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Author:  bucky [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for you collection!

here are the battle scene and wood shelf pics

l_a8f66e89b211a8f8fb4f24fba5aeeb23.jpg [ 60.26 KiB | Viewed 1981 times ]
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Author:  Redmao [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for you collection!

I like Ikea glass cabinets because they keep most of the dust away from my figures.
I admit that it can become an expensive solution at $60 each cabinet.

Author:  ZombieGuide [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for you collection!


I also like the battle/display idea. While I'd eventually like to do a gigantic diorama (one day!), I was able to take some folding 8' tables and do something similiar:



Author:  joemichaels70 [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for you collection!

hey Bucky, what are those two glass/plastic things next to your Terrordrome? those look mighty interesting....

Author:  chaosx [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for you collection!

So Jealous!
You guys have a Joe Room...
My stuff are stored in big plastic bins.
When I do get a house, I am looking into getting those magnetic bases for the action figures and making something for them

Author:  bucky [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for you collection!

joemichaels70 wrote:
hey Bucky, what are those two glass/plastic things next to your Terrordrome? those look mighty interesting....

More thrown away displays from stores. (in this case TRU). They used to house RC cars.
The brown bottom has treads on them like a tank, and the grey one is just kind of rocky.

If anyone has the ability to cast/mold them, I'd send them their way and split the profits if anyone wanted to buy one.

Author:  KrymsynGard666 [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for your collection!

I designed and built my own shelves, specific to my own display needs. here is a pic of half of my Hiss Tank shelves, I hope to have it finished fully at some point soon.




Author:  Sidewinder [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for your collection!

I love seeing pictures of collections like this.

Everyone has some great collections and displays.

Keep them coming. :-D

Author:  shadowdude82 [ Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Share display ideas for your collection!

maan.....thats some mighty fine displays guys, allmost makes me not wanna post mine......

using a couple of theese to hold my i live in a apartment,theres not so much room for displaying wehicles:(
sorry for the sideways shot-didnt find a way to turn it...

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