Some new product images at GeneralsJoes
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Author:  General Hawk [ Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Some new product images at GeneralsJoes

Figured folks might want to check them out as I've posted a bunch of new images tonight courtesy of cmderinchief at the Coil Club...

Art from Night Raven insert

Movie Combat Heroes Duke/Baroness & Ripcord/Destro

Movie Wave 1 Shipwreck & Zartan

Personally, Shipwreck is really growing on me more every time I see new pictures. The gear, the sculpt of the figure...he's a definite winner in my book. Zartan in disguise? Eh, not so big on that one...


Author:  Scramble [ Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new product images at GeneralsJoes

I think the blue shading on part of Shipwreck's armour takes away from the figure, but I still think it's the best movie toy we've seen. The scuba gear he comes with is a nice touch, too.

Author:  Caravankidd [ Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new product images at GeneralsJoes

If I had to put down one figure right now as my must have figure from the movie toys it would be Shipwreck. A bit of classic Shipwreck, a bit of diver Shipwreck, a touch of Devils Due Shipwreck, and a good bit of movie sprinkled in as well. Just nice bit of everything Shipwreck that just works really well for me and hits the "it's so darn cool" buttons hard.

Don't think I'll get the Zartan figure as Zartan, but I have the feeling I'll get the figure because it would make for a nice new Joe figure. Really cool that they include two heads so you can chose which way you want the figure.

Author:  viperlord [ Sat Feb 28, 2009 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new product images at GeneralsJoes

I get a "Sigma 6" vibe from Shipwreck. Not Sigma 6 Shipwreck, but a generic Sigma suit.

I like it.

Everything about that figure is great, great, GREAT!

Zartan is a really nice figure. He's got a great generic Joe look that I really like. I think he'll be my Joes' supply sergeant or some other similar desk jockey. Just gotta take off/paint over that face makeup or swap the head.

Shame about the Raven being underscaled. It is one FINE looking plane :(

Author:  Lance Sputnik [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new product images at GeneralsJoes

Man, that Zartan is friggin cool. That head is a really good likenes too. Shipwreck is interesting enough, We'll have to see how he looks in hand.

The other stuff... Meh. I've stated my opinions before. No reason to rehash. But that Zartan is super sweet, IMO.

Author:  Greyryder [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new product images at GeneralsJoes

I want Zartan, just for his knives and sword.

Author:  Rasputin [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new product images at GeneralsJoes

I agree with you justin, Shipwreck looks like one fantastic fig with a great assortment of realism, character originality and nods to a few versions of him included here.

Zartan, while a good figure for what he is, I think lacks the nod aspect in the head sculpt because they should have IMHO just added his classic face paint and threw in an extra hood acc. It may not be in the movie which is why but i still find that that makes the fig lacking.

Author:  Morian Miner [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new product images at GeneralsJoes

Shipwreck is an all-around win.

Zartan will be a buy, but not as Zartan. I'll end up using him as a generic soldier.

Author:  Caravankidd [ Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some new product images at GeneralsJoes

Rasputin wrote:
I agree with you justin, Shipwreck looks like one fantastic fig with a great assortment of realism, character originality and nods to a few versions of him included here.

Zartan, while a good figure for what he is, I think lacks the nod aspect in the head sculpt because they should have IMHO just added his classic face paint and threw in an extra hood acc. It may not be in the movie which is why but i still find that that makes the fig lacking.

I wonder if Zartan will have a more classic look in parts of the film but we just haven't seen figures of it yet. There is so much stuff that we haven't seen yet I'm sure and Hasbro has to be loving that the characters all don't wear the same thing the whole movie.

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