Vests/webgear pack
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Author:  psychoviper [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Vests/webgear pack

I LOVE the black vest the Pit Commando comes with. I just put it on resolute Snake Eyes, and it looks awesome. In fact, it looks awesome on ANY figure you put it on. I love all the little details on it. I wish they would make an olive drab version.

Night Adder's vest is also very cool. The paint apps are amazing on it, and again, so many fine details in the sculpt.

One question Hasbro gets a lot is will they make weapon packs? And they always tell us, no, they do not want to put out something that fans would love and buy multiples of, that they could make good money off of. :oldhasbrologo:

Really, I don't care. With Marauder around, we have a supply of arms that is better than a weapon pack, in that we can pick and choose what we want. And his modular stuff blows Hasbro out of the water!

But what I would love for Hasbro to do is put out a pack of the various vests and webgear that they have done, going all the way back to the new sculpt stuff. It makes it so easy to 'customize' troops for those of us without skills. And it really spices up plain figures, both vintage and modern.

They have such nice realistic looking ones. Just off the top of my head:

New Sculpt: Gung-Ho, Snake Eyes, Barrel Roll, Barrage, Cobra Officer (club exclusive)

Modern (25th + movie): Outback, Falcon, Red Star, Night Adder, Pit Commando, Desert Viper, Hawk, Eel, Stone

Just my thought for a slow and boring day. :guinness: :baroness:

Author:  Darko [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vests/webgear pack

psychoviper wrote:
One question Hasbro gets a lot is will they make weapon packs? And they always tell us, no, they do not want to put out something that fans would love and buy multiples of, that they could make good money off of. :oldhasbrologo:

Not really. Remember the Star Wars episode 1 accessory packs? They were chocked full of some pretty cool accessories, and I can STILL occasionally find one on a peg in the clearance section of TRU. They clogged shelves forever, and SW fans are much more numerous and rabid (as in, will buy ANYTHING because it says Star Wars on it) than Joe fans. Heck, I even remember the old Joe accessory packs sticking around for years and years (especially the vehicle ones). I think Hasbro is pretty wise to not cave to this demand. It would be the Joe version of Willrow Hood and Yarna.

Now, I WOULD like to see them include alternate gear with more figures, ala the Pit Commando.

Author:  Tex [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vests/webgear pack

Gotta agree with Darko, accessory packs would be either peg warming or be done is such small numbers I would yell at kilcarr about not finding them. The best way is the way they are sort of loading down the individual figures with sweet accessories.

Author:  The Spectre [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vests/webgear pack

They should ditch the (usually) crappy spring loaded launchers (I can only think of 3 that were useful/cool) and include somemore gear.

Author:  Carver [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vests/webgear pack

If they were to do somthing like this I could see it being a HTS exclusive or a MC exclusive, polybagged and overpriced to the point that nobody would buy. I do agree that they could ditch the spring loaded weapons and start packing in alternate webgear and accessories with the individual figures. Maybe toss in footlockers as an accessory with the Adventure Team logo on one end, just for kicks.


Author:  Goldbug [ Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vests/webgear pack

Yeah I can see if they did it for HTS.
Night Adder's vest is Resolute Roadblock's.
The PTE vests aren't bad either. ... +%26+Vests
I second ditching the missile launchers. :shifty:

Author:  Jeff [ Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vests/webgear pack

What about a box of guns like the Star Wars figures have instead of a spring loaded launcher?

Author:  Outback 100% Argento [ Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vests/webgear pack

Darko wrote:

Now, I WOULD like to see them include alternate gear with more figures, ala the Pit Commando.

Thats the way I think.........

Author:  kingofpain26 [ Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vests/webgear pack

Darko hit the nail on the head. I actually Asked this to one of the Hasbro guys at Joecon, and he told me for pretty much the same reason why hasbro balked on the Big Lob figure:

"They couldn't justfy making 30,000 of accessory packs, when the demand for them would only be select collectors"

Looks like if an accessory pack is going to be made, its either gonna be made by the club, or we REALLY have to hound Hasbro and let them know we'd buy tons of these things.

Author:  KrymsynGard666 [ Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vests/webgear pack

If the club is the only hope, the weapons packs they offered this past con could be considered a valid first step. i still pull weapons from those baggies for customs.

Author:  psychoviper [ Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vests/webgear pack

I don't follow Star Wars, so I didn't know they had accessory packs and that they were poor sellers. But I think Joe is a much more accessory oriented line, no?

I was also not aware the club put out anything like that. I don't really follow club stuff either, only because they are so overpriced. (Yeah, yeah, I know, that is due to smaller production runs).

I think you guys are right in that many figs come with more stuff than they can carry, and that is a good way to give us extra weapons. But why do you guys want to get rid of the spring-loaded launchers?? That is the best part of the toys! JUST KIDDING! I too wish they would do away with them, but I guess a couple of kids at some focus group 20 years ago told Hasbro they are cool, so you know... :roll:

Author:  Tex [ Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vests/webgear pack

I demand they keep the spring loaded launchers. If they stopped I would have nothing to send kilcarr.

Author:  TR101AL [ Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vests/webgear pack

We don't need no stinkin' accessory packs! That's what Marauder John's for! :-D

Author:  dasaffe [ Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vests/webgear pack

They put out two great accessory packs recently. They're called Paris Pursuit Baroness and Pit Commando. Basically, what you're asking for is another figure that comes with three vests. I'm down.

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