A few additional thoughts about the list, acknowledging (or at least hoping) that it wasn't meant to be taken entirely seriously. If it WAS, then...
The Mega-Viper didn't even MAKE this list!? That throws credibility right out the window as far as I'm concerned.
Especially since his Mega-Marines counterpart, the Cyber-Viper, DID. I agree with it being present on the list, but I also think that the Cyber-Viper is one of those figures that could be vastly improved by a color-scheme overhaul by the Club, assuming the molds still exist.
I certainly agree with the presence of the 1994 Viper and the Range-Viper on this list, but I would've placed both of them a LOT higher. The only thing that saved the 1994 Viper was being recolored and reassigned to the Iron Grenadiers by the Club for the 2005 Convention.
Some of the figures on this list, in my opinion, really don't belong. I would not have put the Secto-Viper (granted a personal favorite), Ninja-Viper, Gyro-Viper, Frag-Viper, or Python Tele-Viper on it.
Granted I am not especially familiar with "Topless Robot" or their writing style, but this article seemed rather mean-spirited and poorly-researched, or at least those appearing on it were poor decisions. Admittedly it's all a matter of opinion, I suppose, but...
Conversely, I called up their article on "10 Cartoons that are making kids dumber". Honestly, I hadn't even heard of most of them. Of the few that I had, I was inclined to agree with most (but not all) of them. Anyway, whatever...