J_Man wrote:
I take the "won't translate" just to mean would not work in today's ideas. The trouble is, it's a fictional world and any of the characters could be reworked. Yeah I know, that's being a wet blanket, hehe. But really:
Lightfoot - Just give him some better clothes and updated equipment. He can still be out there looking for explosives. Enemy armies haven't stopped using any and all sort of devices. Tripwire and lightfoot can even work as a team.
Yeah, it seems we are seeing almost daily/weekly reports of IEDs in use. Somebody has to take care of them.
Torpedo - Yeah just give him some gear (make another figure) to reflect his land gear. Same with Deep Six, Wet Suit, and anyboy else like that.
No brainer here...
Raptor - He could be an awesome enemy if he was reworked. Using that POC Zartan look and there you go. He doesn't and should have to dress like a bird.
Why not go all Bond villain like? Affluent guy with his own aviary, rare bird collector, etc.
The sports guys... Capt Gridiron, Big Lob, Fridge, etc. That still can work with just a little upgrading. I mean heck we go out in public wearing Cobra, G.I.Joe, Punisher, etc. shirts all the time. A military group that isn't really strict on what their unit wears wouldn't cry if the soldier designed their gear around a sport theme.
Seems like there is enough gear ideas using protective armor and such that could help out the JOEs.
Flamethrower guys I figure still has a place in G.I.Joe. They might not be welcome in a regular army but they could be very useful in terroistic situations. Even if just to know some of the basic details of using fire and heat to weaken structures or something else. They would just have to be updated in the things they would know. They'd have to have full knowledge of demolition. More less they'd be like Torch was characterized back then where as he knew how to use flames to take down a structure.
With all the nerve gases and bio weapons and such, sometimes flame is still the most affective way to getting rid of it. No one is saying Blowtorch is having a barbaque torching tunnel rats...
Any vehicle can be written off to say that it's a G.I.Joe vehicle. G.I.Joe wouldn't have to say "Oh man, they retired my Skystriker". They're specially outfitted vehicles that are no longer JUST an F-14, or JUST an F-16. The B-52 just got extended for use until at least 2040. It's had various design changes but done straight on the plane it's self. That's easy enough to say that's what G.I.Joe does with it's vehicles.
It's not just a F-14. It is a XP-14F. It's experimental and probably has been updates many many times. Same with a lot of the stuff in the order of battle.
Headman and the headhunters is still just as real today as it was back then. I live in a bad neighborhood and it's not uncommon to see drug dealers in full pimp looking outfits sitting in their front yard waiting for the next drive up buyer. I'm serious. Take it a step further and give them some power with a fictional army such as Cobra, and I could still see them running around with armed and armored troops.
Yeah, I read Mack Bolan books and there is all sorts of shady characters and villains and other such. Definitely can see them being viable today.