Why have start-of-year release dates?
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Author:  Morian Miner [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Why have start-of-year release dates?

This isn't the usual "can't find my toys rant". Just trying to find the logic is waves released in January.

This year, aside from Walgreen's, there has been no sign of the Law/Order wave except online. Last year, it was Shadow Tracker. It's the same thing every year - toymakers plan a bunch of new waves to show up in January. Unless you stumble upon them before Christmas, you never find them.

Now, we all know the stores drive the decisions. And, its takes a lot of money to make a new figure. So, don't the toy makers loose money in this deal? If they know the stores aren't going to place orders during this time, why offer product that you won't make that many sells on? From a business aspect, how does this make sense? I've been trying to think of any way this benefits the toy companies.

Author:  roguetiger [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why have start-of-year release dates?

I think best way to get it is... ... ST=SO&PG=1

Author:  Redmao [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why have start-of-year release dates?

roguetiger wrote:

They repacked a bland figure like Ripcord, a character that barely appeared on the show, in that wave while they short packed a popular character like Storm Shadow?

Somebody really hates the fans at Hasbro.
It's like they want to makes us pay for not buying multiple Desert Storm Shadow and action kick Stormy.

Author:  evilchuk1 [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why have start-of-year release dates?

I actually saw Sci-Fi at TRU today, so there is hope. These two waves are still shipping.

Author:  diosoth [ Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why have start-of-year release dates?

I can mostly blame it on the stores deciding to put things out whenever they please and nothing but. Case in point, many Walmarts have done inventory resets and have had new stuff out for over a month. Mine still has not done this. I can to to the city, to Target and TRU, and find new stuff, but not at my local WM because they haven't bothered with it yet.

But I also put part of the blame on the current state of the toy industry and the fact they just sort of sit back and do what the stores want. I know the stores are the customers, but the customer is not always right, and if I were in charge of a toy company, and found a store really wasn't putting any effort into stocking my goods I'd say something to them. Stores might be my customers, but it's their customers purchasing things that usually determines if the stores buy more. Then again, I've often noticed a sort of "we don't care" attitude with stores. If it doesn't sell, they put it on clearance and move on and will often keep supporting things that aren't selling too well, or even ordering more of the same.

Author:  MobileBattleBunker [ Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why have start-of-year release dates?

I might justy try to swing the preorder, If I do I know two Zombie-Vipers and a Renegades Cobra trooper who will be looking for a good home.

I hate how this works, I miss the toy in hand feeling


Author:  dasaffe [ Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why have start-of-year release dates?

Launch in January toys actually hit late in the Christmas cycle, or else they're toys deployed in the spring reset.

In the case of GI Joe, the line was effectively killed when the movie got moved up, so we were lucky it lasted through Christmas as most major retailers. Walmart bought a lot of joes, even if they never really got to my state (or many others). That's Walmart's problem.

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