As cool as those black-uniformed Cobra Troopers are in the Dollar General assortment, I decided that some sort of explanation for their uniform was needed. Thus I present the following "file card" for anyone interested.
Cobra Dark Troopers are outfitted and trained like standard Cobra Troopers, but their uniforms are almost entirely black, with a silver Cobra emblem on the shirt. This is done largely for effect. The black uniforms appear more threatening and sinister, which enables a squad of Cobra Dark Troopers to take and maintain control over a populated area more effectively. It also enables the Cobra Dark Troopers to operate more readily in shadowy or night-time situations when more specialized troopers such as Night-Vipers or Alley-Vipers may not be immediately available. Although they're only a moderately specialized branch of the most basic Cobra infantry, they see themselves as the most "elite" of the Cobra infantry, doing the jobs that their more traditionally-uniformed counterparts can't, and that more highly-specialized Cobra troopers often won't.