danielb wrote:
dude, you contradict yourself,
as is, i recall Hasbro saying something about this at some point, and it was posted pretty much everywhere on joe boards, I am sure it is still on here somewhere. someone with more time on their hands can feel free to go look it up. However since all statements about such things come from PR people the chances of it being a completely legit answer would be suspect either way.
as for hasbro being caught off guard by paramount, boo hoo. If you want to win a fight you plan, and you have back ups to those plans. How often have we seen hasbro product wind up at a discount chain store? Joe or otherwise it happens all the time. or how about all those marvel figures that suffered from poor distribution suddenly winding up in the walmart black friday packs? There is product out there, and really even if there isn't how hard would it be to take a poll and release maybe ten highly sought after figures all made form tooling they have during the down time? The day I am sad because a poor little corporation can't get their _____ together is a day that will never exist. The major toy companies are bleeding fans as fast as comics did in the late 90s. Kids are being relied on to carry lines, and it doesn't seem to be happening. Appease fanboys, don't talk down them, don;t throw bs at them, and they'd have a much easier time. Provide product, and they will buy it. even over priced product.
Lisa: Have you ever seen such exquisite ushabtis?
Homer: Eh, not this exquisite.