Got mine in the mail today.
Honestly, it's pretty underwhelming. Not that I was expecting to be whelmed in the first place. I'm still not sure why they used 25A Spirit's legs for this figure when Arctic Snake Eyes' legs would have worked so much better. He comes with a ton of gear, Which is better than just getting a rifle, I guess. He gets a backpack, some kind of frame that attaches to the backpack, Bazooka's bazooka to hang off the frame that attaches to the backpack, a green rocket to go in the bazooka that hangs off the frame that attaches to the backpack, Spirit's knife, a white 25A Recondo rifle, another bullpup submachine gun that I think is from a POC Viper, and a snowboard with...wings, I guess? I guess that one also comes from some POC figure I didn't pay attention to. The head sculpt is really soft, it almost looks like some dude sculpted it out of play-doh or something.
100_2966 by
H-Arms, on Flickr
Here's a picture of him with a half-assed Frostbite. See? Those legs work better, IMO.
100_2967 by
H-Arms, on Flickr