Crosshair wrote:
Dusty79 wrote:
If there are multiple online outlets for GI Joe, why can I not readily find some of these toys without getting completely gouged on ebay or sometimes paying $12 to $15 plus shipping for a figure with online retailers? .
The reason the figures cost more at online retailers is because they're not ordering enough items to get a price break. Most likely Target and Walmart are, which means they can charge us less.
Plus online retailers typically increase the price on more desirable figures to cover for figures that will sit around for a while and not sell. Not many people are looking to buy that Wave 1 Retaliation Duke by himself from an online retailer compared to the Joe trooper.
Unfortunately the current retail environment isn't great for boys action figures as we currently know them. And it's probably not going to change for the better.
This is just my opinion and I know this topic has been discussed ad nauseam, but toy companies like Hasbro need to adapt. I would like to see what pecentage of their sales go to adult collectors and customizers if that is even possible to tell. If a significant enough portion of toy sales is going to us, they really should develop some type of smarter online sales system geared towards us. There is no reason why they should not be able to release figures in cases of a single type to online retailers so figures that are highly sought after can be readily found and purchased. The online retailers will tell them which ones are sought after by ordering that figure in quantity. For retailers to get stuck buying waves and then having to try to makup for the fact that they can't sell certain ones is foolish.
If a meat supply company only sold chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, and beef in certain ratios with no regard for what is selling at the supermarket, what would the meat section look like at the supermarket? I tend to think there would be a glut of one or two kinds of meat sitting in the cases with a massive loss of potential sales walking past wishing what they wanted was there. When I was in grad school, if I had known this was how toy companies conducted their business, I would have requested one of my professors to explain why they sell their product in this fashion. And I would have asked does this make any sense as a business tactic.
BLUE LASERSPURPLE LASERSGreen Laser SympathizerDusty79 wrote:
I can't wait to cut those babies up for parts.