ronin wrote:
Got to be honest here. I actually attended the NJCC and consider myself fortunate to have actually scored a Salvo.
Ironically, I had stopped by Nova's table to buy vintage Salvo weapons to make my own Salvo right before I won it.
Is the NJCC Salvo a reproducible custom? Yes. The figure itself is essentially a Rockblock base with some improvised body armor and a sculpted helmet.
However, the makers added some nice decal work on the helmet, armor and missile launcher. I really love the artwork and details they put on the card (front and back) as well.
I truly appreciate it because those guys really put a lot of effort into this project. Krymsyngard, Nova, Raginspoon, Marauder GR all had their hands in this among others. That to me makes it special which is why I won't consider selling mine.
Will I ever score another custom exclusive like this again? Probably not but I am okay with that.
Thank you! I should have said that when i saw your comments on Hisstank, but I took a couple days to decompress from the show before getting back into things.
We didn't start doing this to try and cash in or step on any convention's toes by doing our own pieces. We just did it to have something special and different to give away to people who came to the show. We never expected any type of major secondary market value, or any value beyond the items being customs (one of the reasons, among others, that we don't sell these, we give them away, so there is no initial value put on them, they are just a winning ticket and an admission fee).
That doesn't mean we aren't happy that there is so much after market interest, because a lot of the pieces we do are given away to partners on the project in exchange for goods or services. Initially, trying to sell the idea of "hey, send us some free stuff and we will send you one of the customs we make for the show" wasn't exactly easy. Now, when we need something for the project, I ask one of our sponsors, and they send it without question. The growth of interest has allowed up to branch out and do more pieces, use more costly techniques, spring for more expensive figures to use as bases, etc. (OK, maybe not the Rock, but we shelled out $17 apiece on the average for the black Cobra Officers that we used for Metal-Head, because that was the eBay value and the only way we could get the 40 of them we needed).