Fresh Monkey Fiction - Eagle Force
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Author:  AdrienVeidt [ Mon Dec 13, 2021 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fresh Monkey Fiction - Eagle Force

"I already told you, Murphy; you're never taking me in alive again!"


Author:  Mysterious Stranger [ Sat Jun 25, 2022 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fresh Monkey Fiction - Eagle Force

Mysterious Stranger wrote:
Received my Kickstarter package today. I'm impressed. The presentation is great and the packaging is very collector friendly, though I really hate the cheap plastic baggies used for the accessories. The "bonus Thank You" figure is very nice and shows what the addition of paint to the base sculpts does to the finished figures.

I don't know how much of the production was done at the "bad" factory versus the new one. The figures themselves are very nice and I didn't have any stuck joints. I also like the tab/slot closures on the vests over the peg/holes that Marauder uses. The tabs are much easier to get to close though that might be due to the harder material used as well.

Lots of hands. Like a LOT of hands. Different grips, splayed hands, fists. Haven't tried swapping these but they appear to be the same as the Larry Hama figure and I didn't have much trouble with those.

The heads use the barbell in the head style similar to the Boss Fight figures. It will make swapping them with other figure types challenging but I don't mind it too much.

The paint appears to be thick in some spots but I think that is due to the very flat finish. These could definitely use a coat of a satin or matte clear coat but that's a personal aesthetic thing for me.

Overall I like them. I picked up 4 of the Eagle Force Arctic Troopers, a Riot Arctic Commando, Thule and Captain Eagle and some unmasked heads for the arctic troopers. I'm pleased with what I have and I may pick up a few more troopers to fill out my ranks a bit. And I need to track down the guy that comes with the bulldog. Don't know how I missed that guy in the Kickstarter. I need a bulldog in my collection.

I bought the Major Draconis and Matt Matheson figures from BBTS and they arrived today. Just wanted to say that the paint issues I had with the first KS figures have been corrected with these new ones. No stuck joints due to paint or flaking/thick paint issues. I’m seriously looking at getting more now that these concerns have been fixed.

Author:  jabalong [ Wed Sep 07, 2022 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fresh Monkey Fiction - Eagle Force

Wave 7 and bonus figures confirmed on the Fresh Monkey Fiction website.

Expected to go live on BBTS sometime this week...

Author:  Mysterious Stranger [ Fri Sep 09, 2022 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fresh Monkey Fiction - Eagle Force

A new wave just went live for preorder at BBTS. Like the previous waves minimum order quantity ofeach figure has to be met before production starts. Also like previous waves it doesn’t look like meeting the MOQ is going to be a problem. These are all a hit for me personally.

Author:  Mysterious Stranger [ Wed Mar 01, 2023 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fresh Monkey Fiction - Eagle Force

FMF released 4 new color versions of The Hidden figure - blue, red, yellow and green. This along with some older figures that have been sold out for a while now.

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