Ninja Commando Road Pig
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Author:  dreadnokbob [ Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Ninja Commando Road Pig

This is the rarest item in my collection Was informed it was a factory sample Ninja Commando Road Pig. I won it on E Bay about 6 years ago and was curious as to what its value may be

ncrp1.jpg [ 78.9 KiB | Viewed 1782 times ]
ncrp.jpg [ 97.14 KiB | Viewed 1782 times ]

Author:  GITrekker [ Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ninja Commando Road Pig

Probably plenty. It definitely looks to be production level, just not painted. I mean, even the rivets are colored properly!

As I understand it, the Ninja Commandos reached an EXTREMELY limited level of production. They were originally intended for a 1994 release, then backed up to 1995 for some reason, and then scrapped entirely when the Real American Hero line came to an end.

I'm not sure how many full sets exist, but I've heard prices quoted on complete sets, fully painted, that sound more like the down payment on a house.

Of course, I'd be content just to know what would've been on Road Pig's file card. How that big goofball managed to become a ninja is beyond me... :)

Author:  Sean_C [ Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ninja Commando Road Pig

Heard that about Ninja Commandos before, yet the owners of said items, if they exist, aren't sharing any pictures.

I'd like to know what Knock-Out's file card says.

Author:  pluv [ Mon Feb 22, 2016 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ninja Commando Road Pig

Sean_C wrote:
Heard that about Ninja Commandos before, yet the owners of said items, if they exist, aren't sharing any pictures.

I'd like to know what Knock-Out's file card says.

Filecards are even rarer then the figures because only a few packaging samples got made where as the figures would have had several samples of each stage of the preproduction made (paint master, mold cavity check, plastic color check, factory paint sample, etc). So a single figure may have a dozen samples of it if not more depending on how much back and forth there was for corrections and how far along in the process it went before being cancelled.

The fact you can customize this figure with existing parts means it won't have as high a demand as other figures with more unique parts.

Author:  LobsterOverlord [ Mon Feb 22, 2016 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ninja Commando Road Pig

There are more painted completed examples of these figures then there are of the prototypes. So even with the rarity of it either way a prototype collector still want them. I've been out of the prototype game for over 10 years so I don't know where the value has gone. But 10 years ago that one figure might've gottn you aver 200.

John m.

Author:  dreadnokbob [ Mon Feb 22, 2016 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ninja Commando Road Pig

Thanks all for the info. Not really planning on selling it just like having such a rare figure in my collection. I have a few others like 80 percent of the Argen 7 and some really rare India exclusives but Road Pif is special since he really never saw production.

Author:  Darko [ Mon Feb 22, 2016 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ninja Commando Road Pig

pluv wrote:

The fact you can customize this figure with existing parts means it won't have as high a demand as other figures with more unique parts.

Aren't the legs and waist a new mold? I can't place them from any other figure.

Edit: Actually, looking closer, I think everything but the head is new. The original road pig torso didn't have that rope belt, and the arms had a strap around the bicept.

Author:  Sean_C [ Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ninja Commando Road Pig

pluv wrote:
Sean_C wrote:
Heard that about Ninja Commandos before, yet the owners of said items, if they exist, aren't sharing any pictures.

I'd like to know what Knock-Out's file card says.

Filecards are even rarer then the figures because only a few packaging samples got made where as the figures would have had several samples of each stage of the preproduction made (paint master, mold cavity check, plastic color check, factory paint sample, etc). So a single figure may have a dozen samples of it if not more depending on how much back and forth there was for corrections and how far along in the process it went before being cancelled.

The fact you can customize this figure with existing parts means it won't have as high a demand as other figures with more unique parts.

Yeah. Those same yojoe pictures that've been around for years. Never seen a packaged figure besides that.

Movie Liu Kang used Roadpig's torso, but not his waist & legs. Movie Shang Tsung's "Budo" legs are similar but not the same.

Author:  Mike T. [ Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ninja Commando Road Pig

Fully painted Ninja Commandos are out there. I've seen a few sets sell over the years. In the early 2000's, Hasbro actually had production level Ninja Commando parts in their "spare" parts bin they used to conceptualize figures. Someone found some of the pieces and couldn't believe those were in there, along with all the common, off condition fodder you'd have expected at the time.

These unpainted ones showed up out of Asia in the mid 2000's, around the same time as the PDD influx, etc. G.I. Joe rarities have really taken off in value in the past 10 years. So, if you've owned it for a while, it's likely appreciated quite a bit in value.

Author:  Tim 121RVC [ Fri Mar 04, 2016 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ninja Commando Road Pig

Bob, be a good boy now and send that figure to KREXX for further copying so other ARAH customizers can use those unique parts...... ;)

Author:  chad_ghost [ Fri Mar 04, 2016 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ninja Commando Road Pig

Tim 121RVC wrote:
Bob, be a good boy now and send that figure to KREXX for further copying so other ARAH customizers can use those unique parts...... ;)

Unfortunately, he'd have to crack the figure apart since it has "action attack."

Author:  Tim 121RVC [ Fri Mar 04, 2016 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ninja Commando Road Pig

chad_ghost wrote:
Tim 121RVC wrote:
Bob, be a good boy now and send that figure to KREXX for further copying so other ARAH customizers can use those unique parts...... ;)

Unfortunately, he'd have to crack the figure apart since it has "action attack."

No problem, that can be done properly. Who used the action attack feature anyway? :-P

Author:  Rambo [ Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ninja Commando Road Pig

Nova has that torso converted to normal ARAH style.
Problem is he is very slow to answer...

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