Hi Folks!
Back again with another round of figures to figure out ... anyone up for a quiz?
1a - 2006 DTC Med Alert
1b - Keychain Pilot 1998
1c - The Corps
1d - 2005 Comic Pack Roadblock
1e - 1993 Battle Corps Leatherneck
1f - 1990 Captain Grid-Iron
2a - 1992 Ninja Force Dojo
2b - 2003 GIJCC Zartan
2c - Red Laser Red Shadows Viper
2d - Red Laser Tiger Force Steel Brigade
2e - 2005 Comic Pack Tunnel Rat
2f - 2013 Retaliation Cobra Invasion 3-pack Storm Shadow
3a - 2009 Rise of Cobra Storm Shadow
3b - Keychain Soldier 1998
3c - 2006 Comic Pack ‘Classified’ (Vietnam-era Snake Eyes)
3d - Custom (1985 Bazooka head atop 1987 Law)
3e - The Corps ‘Justin Case’
3f - 2013 Retaliation Night-Viper