$5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal right?
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Author:  Suntzu [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal right?

Please refresh my memory but when the single joes for $5 popped up some time ago the fandom considered that a good deal didn't they? $5 for a single figure and one accessory if i recall correctly?

Author:  2DARK2C [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

I missed out on those I guess. the dollar general here only had 3-4 different figures that were $6.99. I think I snagged one stormshadow on clearance for $3. they all came with multiple accessories and web gear iirc.just 2yrs after I got interested in joes again they were gone :(

you got a line on $5 joes?

Author:  josh.kestner [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 12:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

I bought several when they were clearanced

Author:  Suntzu [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

2DARK2C wrote:
you got a line on $5 joes?

No i'm just wondering what the going rate is for a fully articulated 1:18th action figure. The cheapest i recall joes being at retail was $5(?) at dollar stores in recent years.

At least i thought those cobra troopers and what not were $5. Maybe i'm confused.

Author:  pluv [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

Suntzu wrote:
2DARK2C wrote:
you got a line on $5 joes?

No i'm just wondering what the going rate is for a fully articulated 1:18th action figure. The cheapest i recall joes being at retail was $5(?) at dollar stores in recent years.

At least i thought those cobra troopers and what not were $5. Maybe i'm confused.

The Dollar General exclusives (Duke, Cobra Commander, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Cobra Trooper, Shipwreck) came in two different decos each and were $6 most places. They clearanced out for $3 eventually.

To the heart of your question, the 50th two packs are currently $9.98 at TRU. That is slightly less than $5 a figure. The 3 packs are &12.98, $4.33 a figure.

Author:  Dusty79 [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

I consider anything $8 or under for a Joe figure to be a good deal.

Author:  DarkJedi [ Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

I snagged a few sets, and helped out some others that were trying to get them.

Then a few years back Ollie's got them for $3.99 and I cleaned them out during their Pre-Christmas sale. I think they were 25% off that night.

Author:  Tanstoys [ Sat Jul 16, 2016 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

when the 25th anny came out they were $4.99

Author:  stad [ Sat Jul 16, 2016 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

Tanstoys wrote:
when the 25th anny came out they were $4.99

$4.77 at Walmart.

Author:  Jeff [ Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

Don't forget that today Star Wars Black Series cost over $12 a figure and even the 5 PoA figures go for $7.

Author:  DREMEL [ Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

although the new female Corps figures are fully articulated and only $2 a figure. Though I have only seen 2 packs and 3 packs so I guess it would actually be $4 per figure since the only way to buy one is to buy a 2 pack and the second figure is worthless

Author:  Suntzu [ Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

In about 1 month the new Corps! figuess will be out . More than likely the new assortment will include male figures articulated like the latest corps female figures.

Author:  DREMEL [ Sun Sep 18, 2016 3:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

Suntzu wrote:
In about 1 month the new Corps! figuess will be out . More than likely the new assortment will include male figures articulated like the latest corps female figures.

If the new Corps are fully pose-able and are as good of molds as the 2 females they will be viable figures to add to a collection.

I never minded that they re-used the same 15 molds over and over. My main objection is that 90% of their sculpts in the past have been atrocious. Both of those female figures are hands down some of their best over-all work.

Author:  TR101AL [ Sun Sep 18, 2016 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

DREMEL wrote:
Suntzu wrote:
In about 1 month the new Corps! figuess will be out . More than likely the new assortment will include male figures articulated like the latest corps female figures.

If the new Corps are fully pose-able and are as good of molds as the 2 females they will be viable figures to add to a collection.

I never minded that they re-used the same 15 molds over and over. My main objection is that 90% of their sculpts in the past have been atrocious. Both of those female figures are hands down some of their best over-all work.

Agreed, with exception to the sizes of their noggins.

Author:  sgcaper [ Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: $5 joes at Dollar stores were considered a good deal rig

I think you're referring to the Joes that showed up at 5 Below. If not those then you're referring to the figures that were at Dollar General. The DG ones came with a single accessory. The 5B ones were put out on clearance and were $5.

Regardless, to address your question, $5 is a good price but generally a clearance price. I'm willing to pay up to $10 a figure. Over that and I usually pass.

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