Star Wars 40th wish list
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Author:  bearcatcc [ Wed Mar 08, 2017 4:09 am ]
Post subject:  Star Wars 40th wish list

In keeping with the 40th anniversary of ANH, I felt like throwing together a never-gonna-happen wish list for what I would want in a collector themed figure line of previously unreleased characters in the modern line. I'm thinking one twinpack per mainstream live action movie. Here's what I came up with, feel free to add your own thoughts:

- Kister and Wald

E2 AOTC- Rodian senator and an alien from the Outlander club

- Cin Drallig & make up some alien Jedi off screen or that showed up in the background of the Jedi Temple.

Rogue One- General Merrick (Blue Leader?) & realistic Chopper astromech

- 2 cantina patrons, say the Tonnika sisters if nothing else presents itself

- Bespin astromech and a Bespin backgrounder

E6 ROTJ- Ishi Tib from Jabba's palace & Imperial Dignitary from the vintage line

- how about 2 patrons of Maz's cantina, say Bossky Smalls a & his ladyfriend

I can scarcely imagine most of those sets being tooled up, let alone being financially viable offerings. Given that the line has been running for over 20 years, coming up with new figures is actually a bit of a challenge for the original and prequel trilogies. This difficulty is a testament to the depth of Hasbro's prior offerings.

Also, I looked at the Rogue One Visual Guide... the Decraniated are quite creepy.


Author:  Spassvogel [ Thu Mar 09, 2017 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars 40th wish list

Don't think there's anything in the prequels I feel an overwhelming need for, but for the OT I have a few "never gonna happens" in 3.75" SA

Star Wars: Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru, and definitive versions of Farmboy Luke, Tarkin, and Leia
Empire Strikes Back: General Rieekan, Lobot, Admiral Piett, Bespin Escape Leia, Sgt. Edian (Bespin Wing Guard)
ROTJ; SA Yak Face, definitive Endor Leia, General Madine, softgoods Mon Montha, Manny Bothans (just kidding)
TFA: Rebel Pilots Battle Pack (SA versions of Asty, Jess Pava, Lt. Bastian, and Snap Wexley) General Leia, 3PO, SA First Order Pilot.
Rogue One: Rebel Commando battle pack.(Tonc, Sefla, etc), Blue Leader, Bohdi Rook, Baze, Chirrut, Krennic).

No chance in hell, but hey...

Author:  Redmao [ Thu Mar 09, 2017 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars 40th wish list

How about bringing the articulation level back to the Legacy Collection days on all 3.75" figures.

Author:  pluv [ Thu Mar 09, 2017 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars 40th wish list

Vehicles! Of the BMF, AT-AT variety. Totally new molds in slighly better scale with more play features than you can shake a stick at.

ANH: Jawa Sand Crawler, forget remote control. I want a bump and go roomba feature with a rechargeable power station that may resemble a certain droid sale.

Empire Strikes Back: Rebel Transport, essentially a troop carrying case, but now with lights, sounds, and movie phrases.

Return of the Jedi: Jabba's Sail Barge, probably not quite to scale, but as close as you can make it for a high end $300 collectible.

Author:  Sean_C [ Fri Mar 10, 2017 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars 40th wish list

Supposedly super-articulated versions of Yak-Face, Hammerhead and Lobot were far along, will we see them? Who knows? Look how easy it would've been for them to make super-articulated Bespin Escape Leia and Mon Calamari Officer....but they haven't.

Ep. 1: Selbulba's Twi'lek slaves: An and Tann (actually, they are twins, so could make one and make another character...Tey How)
Ep. 2: Gilramos Libkath (Rune Haako) and Quarren Separatist leader.
Ep. 3: Cin Dralig and an office duel Palpatine that doesn't suck.
Ep 4: Solomohal and the fly guy.
Ep. 5: Wiorkettle (bespin snaggletooth) and Captain Lennox
Ep. 6: The Nikto Lando fights and Jabba's Ishi Tibb
Ep. 7: SA Flametrooper and SA Snowtrooper
Rogue One: Jyn's Cellmate and Darth Vader's butler

Author:  AdrienVeidt [ Sat Mar 11, 2017 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars 40th wish list

A wish list? I want Acid Rain World's Kit Lau to get the 18th SW license.

Author:  DarkJedi [ Sat Mar 11, 2017 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars 40th wish list

Mara Jade
Bollux and Blue Max
Jorus C'baoth
Admiral Natasi Daala
Komari Vosa
Mirax Terrik
Kam Solusar
Tionne Solusar
Rookie One
Dash Rendar
Vuffi Raa
Gilad Pellaeon
Kyle Katarn
Talon Karrde
Ysanne Isard
Wrenga Jixton

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