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 Post subject: Weird "G.I.Joe" Rebirth Idea
PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 12:49 am 
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Have any of you seen these new "Lightseekers: Awakening" toys? ... fv=2254197

The toys are 7" scale and have some form of internal electronics that allow you use the figure and different accessories/weapons (which also have internal electronics) in a video game. There is also some form of augmented reality trading card element to further enhance game play. These toys are rather complex in that they not only work with the game, but also light up, make noises and have other electronically activated features.

Now imagine if Hasbro could do a similar yet simplified offering with "G.I.Joe". Standard ME Joe figures could have a chip inside the torso that some form of "Skylanders"-like portal could read and put your character in the video game. Each accessory could also have a chip that identifies it and adds it to your in-game character. Swapping gear between characters could enhance gameplay. There would be no need for the figures or their gear to light up or have electronically activated features (except for maybe in larger deluxe gear like jetpacks, etc.) to keep them in the traditional Joe design.

I imagine that some simple chips added to the torso, backpack and weapon(s) could be done cheaply. Hasbro tried something similar with the "Star Wars" line during the "Episode I" release with chips containing sound effects and dialogue encased in figure stands. Almost 20 years later, the chips will be even more advanced, cheaper and small enough to be imbedded into the figures and gear. The biggest financial output would most likely be the initial game which would include the portal device.

Chip equipped add-ons like accessory/mission packs and vehicles would then add even more game play choices.

Could you see something like this reigniting interest in the brand with today's youth?

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 Post subject: Weird "G.I.Joe" Rebirth Idea
PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 10:23 am 
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Based on my son they would think GI Joe guys in a video game were boring. With Disney infinity he only likes the Jedi and Superheroes. Any regular guy like Finn or Han and he says they are boring to use. Although he does love to use Donald Duck, but that's just because its hilarious to him when Donald gets all ticked off.

Green Laser Sympathizer

Dusty79 wrote:
I can't wait to cut those babies up for parts.

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 Post subject: Re: Weird "G.I.Joe" Rebirth Idea
PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:26 pm 

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Judging by how my local Toys R Us is literally giving away 4 Skylanders when you buy one, and how Lego Dimensions and Disney Infinity sales are DOA, I don't know how willing retailers are going to be.

No company has cracked the toys & video games concept, and if LEGO and Disney can't, I certainly don't have high hopes for Hasbro.

Part of me feels like this because (at least when I was a kid) you're either really into toys, or really into video games, but rarely really into both. Yes, kids are much more into video games now, but that's also because how accessible they are vs. even 15 years ago. I still see a lot of kids, though, playing with toys, while the games sit by the wayside.

Looks like Hasbro is putting all of its eggs in the shared universe basket, which I don't necessarily see as a bad thing. Good chance for movies/TV shows/digital media, which is really how to hook little ones. Worked for me and Batman, Spider-Man, and Star Wars.

I definitely see kids being into the Hasbro universe, since there's something for everyone. I mean, come on, Joes AND Micronauts AND Transformers? If GI JOE doesn't break through with their friends, I don't know what else will.


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 Post subject: Re: Weird "G.I.Joe" Rebirth Idea
PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:53 am 
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Lego Dimensions is still kicking and they're still releasing new characters and worlds for it.
They did it right, a proper (Lego) figure on an interactive base instead of a plastic statue. That way the figure can be used with other toys in the real world and can be used in the game.

GI Joe could be used in the same way. Gather your team for the mission, stick them on their bases or Mission Disk ™ and use them in the game.
Need a lot of fire power? Activate Roadblock. Need to be stealthy? Activate Snake Eyes, sold separately. Vehicles could also come with a disk to be included in the video game.

I think that the theme of GI Joe ARAH isn't appealing to the new generations.
Hasbro should think about what this generation's GI Joe need to be.

Chief - "Swivel elbows are a must. I don't trust any toy company that doesn't believe in swivel elbows."

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 Post subject: Re: Weird "G.I.Joe" Rebirth Idea
PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:09 am 
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Redmao wrote:
Hasbro should think about what this generation's GI Joe need to be.

This, right here, is the real problem. Joe always skirted the line between military and super hero. Now, kids can get all the super heroes they want in every imaginable form. And, realistic military doesn't seem to be a big draw. So, I'm not sure where they go to find Joe's niche.


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 Post subject: Re: Weird "G.I.Joe" Rebirth Idea
PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 10:28 pm 
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Interestingly enough I remember during the PlayStation 1 era there was a Japanese fighting game that came with transformer like robots the parts of which you can swap to create your own on screen characters. I never saw the game just an ad in a gamer mag for it I believe. Reviews were subpar but the idea was very promising IMHO and sort of what Spectre mentioned.

Nowadays it would probably be way better executed (this was during the PlayStation 1 phase). Reminds me of how the crappy power glove was the Neanderthal to the eventual evolution of The WII

Chris Farley's ghost on GiJoe: "If you want a PITT, I can take a dump in a box and mark it PITT..."

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 Post subject: Re: Weird "G.I.Joe" Rebirth Idea
PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 12:21 pm 
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Hi Rasputin

Kwinn_Lives wrote:
you have now won more JCAs than anyone in the history of the award.

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You sir are the definition of a Renaissance Nerd... you do it all so damn well.

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 Post subject: Re: Weird "G.I.Joe" Rebirth Idea
PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 12:41 pm 
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drbindy wrote:
Hi Rasputin

:raisehand: :like:

Chris Farley's ghost on GiJoe: "If you want a PITT, I can take a dump in a box and mark it PITT..."

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