Manufacturing Your Own Figures
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Author:  BigDayOne [ Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Manufacturing Your Own Figures

Hello Everybody,
I see alot of cool independent action figure lines popping up everywhere and I think it's amazing
How does one go about getting their own figure line started (design process is first step)
How does one get the prototype made to display on kick starter & at conventions ?
are there any business that specialize in making prototypes or molds for mass production ?
Thanx in advance for any info you can provided

Author:  Morian Miner [ Sun Apr 01, 2018 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Manufacturing Your Own Figures

I don't recall which company it was. But, there was a Q&A that was pretty detailed on the process they were following. Why it caught my eye is because they mentioned the name of someone who specialized in working between toy companies and the factories in China that do the work. I'd poke around on Marauder or Boss Fight's sites and see if you can come across it.

Author:  BigDayOne [ Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Manufacturing Your Own Figures

Morian Miner wrote:
I don't recall which company it was. But, there was a Q&A that was pretty detailed on the process they were following. Why it caught my eye is because they mentioned the name of someone who specialized in working between toy companies and the factories in China that do the work. I'd poke around on Marauder or Boss Fight's sites and see if you can come across it.


Author:  AdrienVeidt [ Mon Apr 02, 2018 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Manufacturing Your Own Figures

Like any other business, getting started is gonna involve a lot of either money, luck, or learning; and most likely require all three. Part of the learning category is talking to others in the industry about their contacts. Make friends with those that have already done it well. The other two, you're pretty much on your own even before you get to the KickStarter campaign stage. Paying the design artists to create the digi-sculpts that the 3DPrinting company will create for you to shop your idea around is already a $5-10K investment; from what I've gathered.

This stuff is *not* for the frivolous passerby, so you need to be very clear that you're in for a long, expensive haul before you even get to hope for a chance at success.

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