DanOfTheDead wrote:
Booked my air b&b. I'm in.
johnwayne wrote:
Of all the different Joe cons this is the one I want to attend the most, because joecustoms seems to have the most presence there. But, unfortunately I can't attend because my wife is going to be on call in November so I need to be home to take care of the kids.
You have to do what you have to do, but I will say we're a big part of it because of how well they make sure there is somethign for everyone, especially the kids.
But we'll be looking into JoeFest this year. The summer NJCC usually has a small group of us as attendees but on official business. We've wanted to do CoilCon but the timing hasn't worked out. Roma Collectibles ran the Ohio Toy and Joe Show this year and I think took us by surprise how big it ended up being. So we'll be checking that out too. As always, it is a matter of timing and in what capacity we can make it.