Snake Eyes: GI Joe Origins teaser trailer
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Author:  pluv [ Mon May 17, 2021 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Snake Eyes: GI Joe Origins teaser trailer

Author:  MJTanner [ Mon May 17, 2021 1:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snake Eyes: GI Joe Origins teaser trailer

Looks good... a little generic but's an origin film and not meant to be full on GI JOE.

Real curious what parts of the classic origin they'll keep.

Author:  Lt_L1zrdking [ Mon May 24, 2021 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Snake Eyes: GI Joe Origins teaser trailer

MJTanner wrote:
Looks good... a little generic but's an origin film and not meant to be full on GI JOE.

Real curious what parts of the classic origin they'll keep.

Im trying to keep an open mind, however, it seems they're tapping into the Fast and Furious styling. Which, I understand, those movies do make literal billions. I'll watch it though, at least give it a shot and see if there's any cool ideas.

Author:  Redmao [ Tue Jul 27, 2021 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Snake Eyes: GI Joe Origins teaser trailer

So... nobody else saw the movie or do we just don't talk about it?

I saw it last Friday. Like it was mentioned, it's a reboot of the GI Joe cinematic franchise, but as it was received, I'm not sure if there is still a movie franchise.
Lots of action doesn't compensate for the basic story telling. While the original story of Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow would have made a fantastic film, they opted for a generic revenge/redemption story instead. Maybe they didn't want Larry Hama on board, I don't know.

The movie felt like a direct to Netflix action movie. It didn't have that big summer blockbuster feel.
No offense to Henry Golding's performance, the guy seemed pretty enthusiastic about the project, but they written Snake Eyes as a pretty unlikable character.
The way things happen, it almost felt like Firefly the movie.

Scarlett and the Baroness' few appearances in the film were pretty cool. None of the actors did a bad job, they did what they could with what they were given as a story. I wouldn't mind seeing them in a sequel made by a better team of writers. Then again, maybe Hasbro or the production company diluted their story.

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